DMT is a drug, which like many others has taken on a life of its own. Though compared to other drugs, it is strikingly different in its nature. It's a psychedelic substance that is naturally found in some plant species in South America and parts of Asia. It can also be produced in a lab.

DMT comes in the form of a white crystalline powder or solid. It can be a yellow, orange, or pink solid when it is not pure. Like LSD, it is a psychedelic drug and can cause the user to have profound experiences. Though it is said that DMT induces strong hallucinations, those who have used it argue that what they saw and experienced were anything but.
There is a common theme amongst users after the 'breakthrough' phase in which their entire surroundings collapse into nothingness. Following this, users report entering a different dimension. It is there they encounter beings described as elves.

In 2020, A survey was published that looked into the experiences of people that took DMT and reported encountering entities. The survey included 2,561 adults, documenting their single most memorable encounter with an autonomous entity.

"Respondents reported the primary senses involved in the encounter were visual and extrasensory (e.g. telepathic). The most common descriptive labels for the entity were being, guide, spirit, alien, and helper. Although 41% of respondents reported fear during the encounter, the most prominent emotions both in the respondent and attributed to the entity were love, kindness, and joy. Most respondents endorsed that the entity had the attributes of being conscious, intelligent, and benevolent, existed in some real but different dimension of reality, and continued to exist after the encounter."

DMT is used by people for different reasons but it is most popular for its ability to alter the quality of one's consciousness. Whether it be seeing an array of detailed geometric patterns, travelling to another dimension or interacting with other beings, DMT has been known to have long lasting effects on users.

The "breakthrough" moment mentioned earlier has been compared to breaking out of a simulation and entering another realm. A close friend of mine said he saw everything around him breaking away, the walls, the ceilings, his possessions, similar to a video game scene.

Many users recount being launched or thrown into that other realm as if their mind was being pulled from their body. With so much going on during these trips it is understandable that many people find it difficult to describe everything they experienced. It would be hard to describe something you've never seen before or things one might have previously thought to be impossible.

Retelling of a DMT trip- Shane Mauss

Would it surprise you to know that tiny traces of DMT can be found in the blood and urine of human beings? Meaning it is produced naturally in the body, scientists are baffled as to the purpose of the body creating the molecule. We also know that the most DMT created is in two key stages of life, birth and death. There are also theories that large amounts of the substance is produced when we dream, this could explain some of the bizarre and detailed imagery some recall in their dreams. I myself can attest that when I do remember my dreams, it is akin to a movie scene with no budget.

Many users and researchers in the field have suggested that the pineal gland may be the 'DMT factory' of the body. As mentioned in episode 14 of the podcast I discussed, Dr Jimo Borjigin's research and his report on DMT being discovered in the pineal gland of rats. For now, scientists are apprehensive to even entertain the idea that humans could also produce DMT in the pineal gland. For a substance that has existed naturally in the world maybe as long as humans have, its purpose and power is shrouded in suppression, masked as mystery. Could it be due to the life changing effects it has on those that take it? Even just one time use has been seen to dramatically improve a person's mental state and outlook on life.

A large percentage of people that took DMT say they have received a message, task. purpose or insight from their encounter with the entities in the other dimension. One common message relayed by many is that death is not the end game. DMT users seem to agree that after their experience, they no longer fear death as they know the truth. People who reported being atheist in the study cited above, were almost all no longer atheist afterwards. Could all these people have visited another realm that the rest of us simply could not fathom? Many DMT user experiences also mirror near death experiences. If we do in fact produce the most DMT naturally before death, this would make a lot of sense in why the stories always seem to be so similar.

There is a missing link that mainstream science may be choosing to not acknowledge. That there is life beyond death and everything is connected. So many people having almost identical experiences cannot be a coincidence nor should it be explained away as side effects.


DMT clearly breaks a barrier of our reality that proves this is not all there is. A select few in areas such as medicine, research and science overall may find that an uncomfortable pill to swallow. So what if there is life after death, a whole world we don't know about yet until we 'cross over' or have a near death experience. Whether it be the hallucinations of the brain as is explained by some researchers, one thing people cannot understand is how so many people are having the same experience and seeing the same things. Yes, they could easily be making it up. However most of these individuals are likely to make drastic changes in their lives after their experiences and have mastered a sense of peace most of the living can only dream of. How can they not have seen something out of this world?