The club of Rome was established in 1968 in, you guessed it...Rome. Founded by Aurelio Peccei. Aurelio was an Italian industrialist and philanthropist who helped curate the global panic we are witnessing today.

A think tank, among many. Yet one that few are familiar with. This group patronises the everyday person as they appoint themselves arbiters of the future. I recorded an episode about this group a while back and discussed some of the ways they are socially engineering society through their vast resources and connections. It may read as though I have a bias against these kinds of organisations. It's because they despise most of the world and would rather we all live in a state of deprivation whilst they continue to live as they wish.

I would like to stress to you that most things we are taught in school, or what I like to call manipulation camps, are done so to mould our opinions and beliefs so we can be perfectly programmed by the time we are adults. The last three generations were taught about ‘global warming’, the ice caps melting and our planet dying in the near future. Even though it hasn't happened, the planet remains above sea level and intact, every decade the message grew louder and more forceful.

Until the blame fell solely on the little guy, you and I. Apparently we are all destroying the planet and we must atone for our sins, for we are parasites upon Mother Earth and don’t deserve to live as we do.

Remember our old friend?

As adults, we join the workforce. It is designed in such a way that you work too much, have little time to yourself and what time you do have is spent in recovery from work. For most this little leisure time is usually in front of the television where they are subject to propaganda and brainwashing. It doesn’t matter if you don’t watch the news or aren’t interested in politics, the bread crumbs are sprinkled into film, shows, music, social media, video games and so on.  

For most, the choice is working for some large corporation amongst the sea of other worker bees to earn shillings that will be taxed heavily, the cycle continuing until you are deemed too old to work.

I didn’t mean to get too dark there, but it is merely the reality of the majority. The majority who are vast in number, yet limited in any say on what their future holds and how society is shaped. How can the majority have a say or even realise they are being manipulated if they are overworked and under valued? It is one of the traps of our systems. To drain the mental and physical energy of a person so much so, they rather not fret too much about worldly affairs and decisions. After all they have their escapist entertainment to come home to after a long day of work.

That’s where think tanks like The Club of Rome come in. They present themselves as well meaning philanthropists who are helping save the world by telling the rest of us how to behave. Telling the rest of the world what is and isn’t sustainable, the plebs have to be put into formation.

A small group of people are only able to control mass populations through fear, conditioning and access to abundant resources. Many of us are familiar with the climate panic, almost akin to the boy who cried wolf as every decade is THE decade the world melts or freezes. It depends on which theory is being peddled at the time.

In 1969,  just three years before The Club of Rome released their infamous report titled The Limits to Growth, UN secretary U Thant conveniently shared this message in a speech.

“I do not wish to seem overdramatic, but I can only conclude from the Information that Is available to me as Secretary General, that the Members of the United Nations have perhaps ten years left In which to subordinate their ancient quarrels and launch a global partnership to curb the arms race, to improve the human environment, to defuse the population explosion, and to supply the required momentum to development efforts. If such a global partnership Is not forged within the next decade, then I very much fear that the problems I have mentioned will have reached such staggering proportions that they will be beyond our capacity to control. U THANT, 1969”

This section of his speech was included in the introduction of The Limits To Growth as it so perfectly embodied the kind of ideology that would be introduced to the world. U Thant told us that we would have ten years to clean up our act, sound familiar at all?

The Limits To Growth is a report that was published in 1972. The Club of Rome commissioned MIT to create a computer simulation to present what catastrophes lay ahead over the next few decades on planet earth. Yes, a computer program. Through this project The Limits To Growth became actualised. It extensively discusses and hypothesizes every consequence that could materialise as human systems and populations grow and interact with Earth. The report highlights a correlation between the industrial revolution, modern medicine, food distribution/growing techniques and population explosion. They present this as something potentially apocalyptic if there is no divine intervention (themselves) involved.

They mathematise the trajectory of the world in such a systematic way its almost comical and reminds me of the 'trust the science' crowd because a majority of this report was based off predictions. They also totally ignore the fact that most of the world's pollution is caused by large industries, which should be the ones held responsible for the degradation of the environment. However, they always harken back to the average person being the one to blame for destroying the Earth.

Throughout the report are statements that the world cannot handle an increasing population, this would cause starvation, mass pollution and overall chaos. This was not the first time that the theory of overpopulation was introduced. In 1968 Paul Ehrlich, a Stanford University entomologist at the time, published a book titled The Population Bomb. The book noted with certainty that millions around the world would starve to death in the 70s because the supply would not be able to meet the demand. He opens the first chapter of the book describing a family trip he had taken to Delhi at the time

I have understood the population explosion intellectually for a long time. I came to understand it emotionally one stinking hot night in Delhi a few years ago. My wife and daughter and I were returning to our hotel in an ancient taxi. The seats were hopping with fleas. The only functional gear was third. As we crawled through the city, we entered a crowded slum area. The temperature was well over 100, and the air was a haze of dust and smoke. The streets seemed alive with people. People eating, people washing, people sleeping. People visiting, arguing, and screaming. People thrusting their hands through the taxi window, begging. 'People defecating and urinating. People clinging to buses. People herding animals. People, people, people, people. As we moved slowly through the mob, hand hom squawking, the dust, noise, heat, and cooking fires gave the scene a hellish aspect. Would we ever get to our hotel? All three of us were, frankly, frightened. It seemed that anything could happen-but, of course, nothing did. Old India hands will laugh at our reaction. We were just some overprivileged tourists, unaccustomed to the sights and sounds of India. Perhaps, but the problems of Delhi and Calcutta are our problems too.

A trip to Delhi partly inspired this fear mongering book. Of course Ehrlich failed to research. If he did then he’d have found out the Indian government had been enticing migrants from villages all around the country to come to Delhi and work in many of the newly built factories. This was most likely the reason why Delhi looked extremely over crowded, it had nothing to do with the birth rate. Nevertheless, the book grew in popularity during the 70s because nobody cared about context. You could say The Limits To Growth did not have to make too much effort in persuading people that overpopulation was a looming crisis as Ehrlich’s book  presented the idea of population control a few short years before. His book won over the American public in the early 70s and became a best seller. Unfortunately, this resulted in many global programs launched to lower fertility rates in poor areas and countries. One of many were the forced sterilisation of millions of women around the world.

The report was so influential that people still parrot these statements today. Many even allude to the world almost being overpopulated today and speak of solutions in getting ahead of this.


If you hadn't already figured it out, overpopulation is a myth. Talks of over population can be traced back to the 1940s and even earlier than that. It is misleading and an oversimplification of the planet's cycles and fails to consider many other important factors that contribute to environmental damage, pollution and so on.

If you have been paying attention to countries in the west, birth rates have been declining for decades and the only increase in population they have been experiencing is mass immigration.

You could say that is by design as many under 40s have become proud anti-natalists and refuse to bring children into the world. This is a result of large scale propaganda that likely had its start after The Limits To Growth was published. Generations of children have been raised to believe that reproducing results in human suffering and is bad for the environment. Therefore reproducers will be contributing to the Earth’s ‘overpopulation’ and carbon emissions which is the latest buzzword.  Pure carbon dioxide is actually good for the human body but this has been twisted too. That is definitely a story for another day.

Anti-Natalists have grown more crude and extreme over the years, supporting late term abortion which is no different to murder as well as demonising families choosing to have kids. Some may say these people care about the environment but an altruistic individual would not be so hateful towards human life, as all life is equally important. Sadly they are the product of their conditioning. Most news outlets and mainstream media subtly support the views of anti-natalists but are not as disgusting in their delivery.

If you do not go and seek information out yourself then you will surely be presented with misleading and harmful rhetoric. How can large corporations that profit from people's daily suffering have your best interests at heart? Let alone the environment. These so called philanthropists, groups and think tanks care less about the Earth than anyone you know.


I don't agree that electric vehicles are a viable solution nor do I believe that fossil fuels are evil. I think the problem has been the people telling us that we are the problem. It's time for a shift in perspective as more people start to see this farce for what it is, a forceful transfer of wealth where the rich get richer and the poor become a modern day serf class. The environment is merely being used as a tool to emotionally control humanity and get us to downgrade our standard of living. This is why the coming 'fourth industrial revolution' was announced after 2020. These individuals believe all their decades of work has finally come to fruition and they can begin to encroach on our way of life. We must not let them think it is so easy to crush the spirit of humanity.